
An innovative construction system for timber houses, whose key advantages include sustainability, energy efficiency, durability and short construction times.

We build single-family houses, housing estates and multi-storey buildings, working with individual clients, construction companies and developers.

By choosing CLT technologies, you are not only investing in the future, but making a sensible choice that will ensure comfort for you and your loved ones for years to come.

Discover the potential of CLT and let us build your dream home without any compromises.

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Only top quality spruce timber is used in our production. The number of slats making up a CLT panel depends on its size, the minimum being 3 slats. The slats are stacked perpendicularly and then bonded. The number of layers is usually odd.

Different aesthetic quality classes of slats are available. Depending on your project specifications and individual requirements, we will recommend a tailored solution to suit your needs.


Robust design and high fire-resistance

Our panels offer a high load-bearing capacity with low flammability

Superior production quality
and consistency

We combine the highest standards of production technology with quality control that ensures the achievement of appropriate standards in terms of slat thickness, panel dimensions and bonding.

Fast construction, timely completion, price stability

The prefabrication of materials enables the finished panels to be transported to the construction site where they are assembled by our specialist staff. The installation phase only takes a few days at most, which helps ensure timely completion every time. As a reliable business partner, Multicomfort guarantees unchanging prices from start to finish of the project.

A healthy and sustainable technology

Our production involves sustainable materials, which contributes to reducing energy consumption, cutting CO2 emissions and creating a healthy environment. CLT houses are a blend of innovative technology and sustainable development combined with care for the planet.

and dimensions

Panel thickness indicates the number and size of slats needed.

Standard wall thicknesses range from 8-12 cm.

The CLT system makes it possible to produce panels of any size with only logistical constraints holding us back.

We manufacture panels for small, medium and large projects.

Walls, ceilings, roofs and finishes

The wide area of application of CLT technology allows it to be used for exterior walls, interior walls, ceilings or roof structures.

If you find yourself lacking the energy, time and, above all, the resources for interior work, wood is ideal as a solid elevation and as a principal interior design feature. This way you save money and gain a natural home with a distinctive appearance.

If on the other hand you opt for traditional solutions and like to have everything finished to perfection, you can easily have the wood covered with plasterboard and painted any colour you like.

construction times

As leaders in our field, we are dedicated to upholding an unwavering standard of service that we never compromise. The prices agreed on the day of signing the contract are fixed, as is our high level of engagement from the project’s inception. Add to this the impeccable precision of the components produced by our production team for smooth installation on site, and you have a ready-made formula for a modern and safe home built within a few days.

Increased surface area of the house!

Drewno to naturalny izolator. Izoluje – zarówno przed chłodem /zimnem jak i przed ciepłem w lecie. Izolacja termiczna działa w „obie strony”. Doskonale komponuje się z dodatkową zewnętrzną izolacją, np. wełną mineralną lub drewnianą, zapewniając wyjątkowe parametry termoizolacyjne.

Nie wymaga wykończeń

Zaletą CLT jest fakt, że ściany mogą posiadać tzw. jakość wizualną. Nie wymagają one długotrwałych i kosztownych prac wykończeniowych (gipsowania, malowania, szlifowania i schnięcia). To samo dotyczy sufitów, ponieważ panele stropowe z CLT także nie wymagają dodatkowych prac.

Nie wymaga schnięcia

Drewno nie rezonuje i nie posiada pustych przestrzeni. Dzięki swojej strukturze stanowi bardzo dobrą izolację akustycznę wytłumiając dźwięki wewnątrz domu jak i zewnętrzne hałasy.

Dokładność elementów = brak poprawek

W zależności od potrzeb akumuluje wilgoć lub oddaje jej nadmiar regulując wilgotność wnętrza domu.

16 times

Prefabrication, well thought-out detailed design and rapid on-site installation. Resistance to weather conditions and maximum prevention of the so-called wet trade jobs means unrivalled time savings compared to conventional construction.

Increased surface area of the house!

Walls in CLT houses are much thinner than walls developed using traditional building methods, thus maximising the usable area of your property. To illustrate this, consider a modestly-sized house measuring 100 sqm (10 m x 10 m, equating to 40 running meters in circumference). In this case, CLT presents an exciting opportunity for an extra 4 sqm per floor!

So, if you are building as a private individual you gain extra living space, and if you are a property developer you make more money with no design modifications required.

Bespoke construction calculations

The design of each project is reviewed on a case-by-case basis by our team of experienced engineers. On this basis, a model is created taking into account:

  • accurate layout of utility systems
  • size of window and door openings
  • etc.

We provide a bespoke and personalised service to each client, going above and beyond conventional project standards to conquer all challenges that come our way. So allow us to turn your dreams into reality and build your naturally beautiful Multicomfort home.

a quote for

your warm home

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+48 509 433 533

Monday – Friday: 8.00 – 16.00

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